Fellowships and Other Endeavors Professional Affiliations
Internal Grant Awards
Longwood Assessment Mini-grant Program (LAMP) 2013: Received grant to continue research with Dr. Phillip Poplin and Ms. Susan Browder for the proposal, “Incoming Mathematical Skill Level, Outgoing Statistical Understanding and Their Relation to Student Success in Introductory Statistics.”
Longwood Assessment Mini-grant Program (LAMP), 2012: Received grant to conduct research with Dr. Phillip Poplin on the proposal, “Assessing Basic Mathematics Skills and Implementing Early Intervention to Improve Student Success in Introductory Statistics.”
Dean’s Fund for Scholarship Excellence, 2007: Dr. Dan Druckenbrod (Dept. Bio. & Env. Sci.), Dr. Tom Akre (Dept. Bio. & Env. Sci.), and I received support to organize a workshop on “Integrating Curricula in the Mathematical, Biological, and Environmental Sciences” held on April 12, 2008.
Dean’s Fund for Scholarship Excellence, 2006: Received support to take the graduate level course, BIOS 567: Statistical Methods for Microarray Data taught by Dr. Kelly Archer of Virginia Commonwealth University's Biostatistics Department, Spring 2007 Semester. Grade: A+
External Grant Awards
Collaborative Research:
Adaptation and Implementation of Activity and Web-Based Materials into
Post-Calculus Introductory Probability and Statistics Courses, National
Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) Course,
Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Program, Award Number: DUE-0126716,
Effective June 1 , 2002, Expires August 31, 2004. You can learn more about
this grant at the project website:
Fellowships and Other Endeavors
NASA Summer Faculty Fellow, Summers 1997 and 1998, Marshal Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL. Developed and analyzed virtual reality simulations in the Army NASA Virtual Innovations Laboratory in order to enhance human factors engineering and operations analysis.
Fellow in the National Project NExT, Academic Year 1997-1998. Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) is a program for new or recent Ph.D.s in the mathematical sciences who are interested in improving the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics. I'm a Peach Dot.
Fellow in the Southeastern Project NExT, Academic Year 1996-1997. A regional version of the National Project NExT.
Mathematical Association of America (1996 - Present)
Member of the MD/DC/VA Section Service Award Committee, Spring 2014 - present
Appointed to Committee on Minicourses, January 1, 2012 -through January 31, 2015.
Reappointed as Chair, January 2015 - January 2018.
Elected "Member at Large" of the MD/DC/VA Section of the MAA, Spring 2011.
Member of the Nominating Committee for Section Officers, Spring 2009
Elected "Member at Large" (in charge of the Section NExT Program) of the MD/DC/VA Section of the MAA, Spring 2007 and Spring 2008.
Attended MathFest 2007 as MD/DC/VA Section representative at the Section Officers Meeting (August 2007)
Member of the Mathematical and Computational Biology Special Interest Group of the MAA, BIO SIGMAA (Fall 2007 - present)
Member of the Statistics Education Special Interest Group of the MAA, STAT-ED SIGMAA (2004-Present)
Nominated to run for the office of Secretary of the SIGMAA (Fall, 2009)
Nominated to run for the office of Secretary of the SIGMAA (Fall, 2008)
Nominated to run for the office of Secretary of the SIGMAA (Fall, 2006)
Departmental Liaison for the Longwood University Mathematics Department (Summer 2006-Spring 2012)
Alabama State Director for the Southeastern Section of the MAA (2003/04 Academic Year)
Departmental Liaison for the ASU Mathematics Department (Fall 2000-Spring 2003)
Member of the ad hoc Committee on Teaching Awards for Beginning Faculty (11/01-8/02)
Co-organized a Special Session on "Real-Life Applications Used in the Teaching of Mathematics" for the MAA Southeastern Section meeting, March 1998.
Co-organized a Panel Discussion on "Professional Development Issues for Young and Future Faculty" sponsored by the Young Mathematics Network and Project NExT for the January 1998 Joint Mathematics Meetings.
The College Board Advanced Placement Program
AP Statistics Reader, Summer 2014, Kansas City, Missouri
AP Statistics Reader, Summer 2013, Kansas City, Missouri
AP Statistics Reader, Summer 2009, Louisville, Kentucky
AP Statistics Reader, Summer 2008, Louisville, Kentucky
AP Statistics Reader, Summer 2007, Louisville, Kentucky
AP Statistics Reader, Summer 2006, Lincoln, Nebraska
AP Statistics Reader, Summer 2005, Lincoln, Nebraska
Association for Women in Mathematics (2000 - Present)
American Statistical Association (2005 - 2009)
Huntsville Simulation Conference (2002 - 2003)
2003 Session Chair for the Simulation in Education Session
Member of the 2002 HSC Organizing Committee
2002 Session Chair for the Simulation in Education Session
Board member of the Young Mathematicians Network (1995 – 2002)
Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) (2000-Present)
Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics (AACTM) (Fall 2001 - Spring 2004)
Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Fall 2000-Spring 2003)
North Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Fall 2000 - Spring 2003)
Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) (2000-2001)
American Mathematical Society (1995-1999)